Monday, December 24, 2012

Midnight Sun

So, as if I weren't not busy enough, I decided to take on a project. Going along with my Twilight obsession, I have decided to write the rest of Midnight Sun. Unofficially, of course. I already wrote the first chapter. I don't even know if I'll be able to put it online when it's finished. I don't want to get into any kind of legal trouble. That would be the last thing I would need right now! Anyway, I got frustrated because it stops right before it gets really good.

In other news, our van is in bad shape. They estimate it's going to cost about $2200 to fix it. And who knows if something else needs to be fixed. It's due for inspection next month so maybe we'll get a grand total before we decide what to do. It sucks being down to 1 vehicle that doesn't even fit our whole family.

Other than that, everything is the same. Kids are off for winter break so it's lots of fun. I just hope some shred of my sanity survives this break. We still have 9 days before they're back in school.

Tomorrow is Christmas so at least tomorrow should be a good day. I'm fairly certain everyone will love their gifts!

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