Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Motivation... where are you?

I can not seem to get my butt out of bed to go running. I have not run since Friday. At this point, I feel like I should just start over. I tried getting Travis to make me get up and do it but he didn't. Maybe I just need to switch to evenings. I am not a morning person at all. All I can think about in the mornings is how I still want to be sleeping.
But I seemed to find motivation to clean my house which is odd for me. I despise cleaning and try to avoid it if at all possible. My kitchen looks pretty good and today I plan on sweeping and mopping the kitchen and hall way. I swept and mopped the play room yesterday. It's a good thing too since we're having my brother and his wife over for dinner tomorrow night.

Monday, October 25, 2010


We went to bed late last night, mainly because I wasn't ready for the weekend to be over. Here is how my night went:

12:30- head to bed
1:30- Jordan wakes up SCREAMING. Travis tried to get him to go back to bed on his own but it was a no go so he laid with him.
4:00- Rayne wakes up so I go in to feed her.
4:30- Back to bed for me
6:20- Alarm goes off. Thankfully Travis was already up so he got up with the kids to get them ready for school
6:50- Travis comes to wake me up and ask if I know where Krysta's other sandal is. I don't.
7:00- Rayne starts waking up. I get up to go take care of her but she stops making noise so I lay back down and go to sleep.
7:40- Jordan comes up and starts knocking on the bedroom door. I take him back downstairs to Travis who is trying to get some sleep on the couch while the boys watch TV.
8:10- Rayne is up to eat again so I go in with her.
8:30- Up for the day.

That was a long night. And I'm still sick with this stupid cold. And then I got a bloody nose. And I skipped my run this morning because I was feeling pretty lousy. I guess I will just have to go out tomorrow morning instead. I really dislike Mondays.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Banana bread anyone?

A week ago, Travis went to the farmer's market and bought a whole bunch of bananas. Now they are all brown. The plan was to make banana bread so I have 2 loaves baking, dough for 2 more loaves waiting to go in plus at least 6 more overripe bananas. I'm thinking I might make some banana muffins as well. The crazy thing is that I don't even like bananas or banana bread. I think I'm going to have to freeze a bunch or give it away.
In other news, I went for the 2nd workout of the c25k plan. It was harder today because my shins are still hurting from the run on Wednesday and I seem to have come down with a cold as well. Another thing I discovered is that running makes my hip joints hurt the next day so I'm fully expecting to not really even be able to walk tomorrow. I will do the 3rd run on Monday and then I'll move on to week 2 where it gets harder. I'm also trying to encourage Travis to start as well. We'll see if he actually does.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Couch to 5K plan

I seriously need to lose some weight. I'm not "obese" but I am overweight and I don't like it. I heard about the c25k plan when I was pregnant. Obviously, that wasn't the time to start. Now that I'm not pregnant, I didn't have an excuse not to do it. So this morning at 7:10 am, I set out on my first workout. There are eight 60 second runs.

1st run- I feel great! I can totally do this!
2nd run- Still feeling great!
3rd run- Starting to get a little winded...
4th run- Has it really on been 4?
5th run- Wow, I'm REALLY tired... how am I going to finish?
6th run- So... much... running...
7th run- I really don't think it's supposed to be this hard! Just 1 more to go though.
8th run- My legs are jello. How are my legs still moving?

I'm sure it doesn't help, either, that I was up at 5:00 am, but I finished. I'm so proud of myself! But I am already dreading Friday morning when I plan to go torture myself again. :oP But I hear it gets easier. I really hope that's true.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mondays are evil

What is it about Mondays that are just so bad? I can't figure it out. Jordan was practicing his screaming banshee skills all morning, Asher was mad that I wanted the tv for a little bit and even though I wasn't up with the older kids this morning, Brett was grumpy about going to school. I'm tired. I just want to crawl under the covers and go to bed for a couple of hours. I really think that would make everything better. Also, Travis won't be home until about 7:00 or so tonight so that's an extra hour on my own.
On the plus side, my antidepressants are kicking back in which has been a good thing. A drop in my energy level again but I'll take it over how I felt last week.

Tuesday, February 2, 2010

My house smells like cat poop

I came downstairs this morning and my house smelled like cat poop. Since I'm pregnant, I can't clean out the litter box. I asked my husband to do it before he left so naturally, he forgot. :oP I could not take the smell any longer so I took the litter box outside and let the cat out too. (I'm not a bad owner... he likes to be outside so it's like a treat for him and he always comes back) Then I sprayed my house with Febreeze air freshener. I thought that would take care of it but I keep smelling it! My only thought is that he pooped somewhere else but in the 2 years that we've owned him, he has never pooped anywhere but the litter box. The smell is about to drive me crazy and I have no idea where it's coming from! Ew!

Keeping up with my blog

Well I typed a big long thing out that somehow got deleted! I hate when that happens! I guess I just have to start over. :o(

So updates! It's been over 1.5 years since my last post. I know I'm bad with keeping up with blogs. I love talking so I don't understand it. I'm currently 25 and Travis is 28 and we're coming up on 10 years of marriage! June 3 so only 4 more months!
Brett is in 3rd grade and he has ADHD. He has good days and he has bad days. We have tested him for gifted but he only came back as "gifted" in 1 area and all the rest he fell into the average category. I hate ADHD so much and anyone that hasn't gone though it with their kids has no idea what it's like. But all in all, he is doing well. His grades are mostly B's with 1 or 2 A's mixed in. I think that's wonderful! Should be getting his report card back today, too. He loves video game, video games, and oh yeah, video games. We are currently on a hiatus from them, though.
Krysta is in 1st grade and doing so well! Academically, I don't think she's where Brett was when he was her age but that's ok. She is picking things up and doing fantastic! And as a plus, she listens! I always hear what a pleasure she is to have in class. Her kindergarten teacher said she wished she had 19 other kids just like Krysta! What a compliment! That's just the kind of person she is.
Asher is 3 and we are working on potty training. My older 2 kids were using the potty all the time, even overnight, by this age but Asher is so much more stubborn. He does GREAT when he's not wearing anything on his bottom but that doesn't work out so well when we need to go out in public. I wish I could get it through to him but he hasn't quite grasped it yet. People say that they never go to college in diapers and I say, there's a first time for everything! He is generally a happy kid but is known to pick fights with his siblings for no real reason. He is also into Batman, thanks to Brett.
Shortly after my last post, we found out that we were expecting again and little Jordan Matthew was born on March 4, 2009. He has been the easiest of our babies so far! He is 11 months old, crawling around and into everything! He loves to play in the toilet so we try hard to make sure the door is always closed. He also loves to chase the cat. He's a pretty good eater, too. I need to start planning his 1st birthday party!
Also, on 12/22/09, I got a positive pregnancy test and we are expecting baby #5 on September 6, 2010 so I'm just over 9 weeks right now. I had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago and things are looking great!
Yes, we are busy but I wouldn't have it any other way. :o) I'll try my best to post regularly, though I'm not sure who all will be reading this.