Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Keeping up with my blog

Well I typed a big long thing out that somehow got deleted! I hate when that happens! I guess I just have to start over. :o(

So updates! It's been over 1.5 years since my last post. I know I'm bad with keeping up with blogs. I love talking so I don't understand it. I'm currently 25 and Travis is 28 and we're coming up on 10 years of marriage! June 3 so only 4 more months!
Brett is in 3rd grade and he has ADHD. He has good days and he has bad days. We have tested him for gifted but he only came back as "gifted" in 1 area and all the rest he fell into the average category. I hate ADHD so much and anyone that hasn't gone though it with their kids has no idea what it's like. But all in all, he is doing well. His grades are mostly B's with 1 or 2 A's mixed in. I think that's wonderful! Should be getting his report card back today, too. He loves video game, video games, and oh yeah, video games. We are currently on a hiatus from them, though.
Krysta is in 1st grade and doing so well! Academically, I don't think she's where Brett was when he was her age but that's ok. She is picking things up and doing fantastic! And as a plus, she listens! I always hear what a pleasure she is to have in class. Her kindergarten teacher said she wished she had 19 other kids just like Krysta! What a compliment! That's just the kind of person she is.
Asher is 3 and we are working on potty training. My older 2 kids were using the potty all the time, even overnight, by this age but Asher is so much more stubborn. He does GREAT when he's not wearing anything on his bottom but that doesn't work out so well when we need to go out in public. I wish I could get it through to him but he hasn't quite grasped it yet. People say that they never go to college in diapers and I say, there's a first time for everything! He is generally a happy kid but is known to pick fights with his siblings for no real reason. He is also into Batman, thanks to Brett.
Shortly after my last post, we found out that we were expecting again and little Jordan Matthew was born on March 4, 2009. He has been the easiest of our babies so far! He is 11 months old, crawling around and into everything! He loves to play in the toilet so we try hard to make sure the door is always closed. He also loves to chase the cat. He's a pretty good eater, too. I need to start planning his 1st birthday party!
Also, on 12/22/09, I got a positive pregnancy test and we are expecting baby #5 on September 6, 2010 so I'm just over 9 weeks right now. I had an ultrasound 2 weeks ago and things are looking great!
Yes, we are busy but I wouldn't have it any other way. :o) I'll try my best to post regularly, though I'm not sure who all will be reading this.

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