Monday, October 25, 2010


We went to bed late last night, mainly because I wasn't ready for the weekend to be over. Here is how my night went:

12:30- head to bed
1:30- Jordan wakes up SCREAMING. Travis tried to get him to go back to bed on his own but it was a no go so he laid with him.
4:00- Rayne wakes up so I go in to feed her.
4:30- Back to bed for me
6:20- Alarm goes off. Thankfully Travis was already up so he got up with the kids to get them ready for school
6:50- Travis comes to wake me up and ask if I know where Krysta's other sandal is. I don't.
7:00- Rayne starts waking up. I get up to go take care of her but she stops making noise so I lay back down and go to sleep.
7:40- Jordan comes up and starts knocking on the bedroom door. I take him back downstairs to Travis who is trying to get some sleep on the couch while the boys watch TV.
8:10- Rayne is up to eat again so I go in with her.
8:30- Up for the day.

That was a long night. And I'm still sick with this stupid cold. And then I got a bloody nose. And I skipped my run this morning because I was feeling pretty lousy. I guess I will just have to go out tomorrow morning instead. I really dislike Mondays.

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