Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Couch to 5K plan

I seriously need to lose some weight. I'm not "obese" but I am overweight and I don't like it. I heard about the c25k plan when I was pregnant. Obviously, that wasn't the time to start. Now that I'm not pregnant, I didn't have an excuse not to do it. So this morning at 7:10 am, I set out on my first workout. There are eight 60 second runs.

1st run- I feel great! I can totally do this!
2nd run- Still feeling great!
3rd run- Starting to get a little winded...
4th run- Has it really on been 4?
5th run- Wow, I'm REALLY tired... how am I going to finish?
6th run- So... much... running...
7th run- I really don't think it's supposed to be this hard! Just 1 more to go though.
8th run- My legs are jello. How are my legs still moving?

I'm sure it doesn't help, either, that I was up at 5:00 am, but I finished. I'm so proud of myself! But I am already dreading Friday morning when I plan to go torture myself again. :oP But I hear it gets easier. I really hope that's true.

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