Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Motivation... where are you?

I can not seem to get my butt out of bed to go running. I have not run since Friday. At this point, I feel like I should just start over. I tried getting Travis to make me get up and do it but he didn't. Maybe I just need to switch to evenings. I am not a morning person at all. All I can think about in the mornings is how I still want to be sleeping.
But I seemed to find motivation to clean my house which is odd for me. I despise cleaning and try to avoid it if at all possible. My kitchen looks pretty good and today I plan on sweeping and mopping the kitchen and hall way. I swept and mopped the play room yesterday. It's a good thing too since we're having my brother and his wife over for dinner tomorrow night.

Monday, October 25, 2010


We went to bed late last night, mainly because I wasn't ready for the weekend to be over. Here is how my night went:

12:30- head to bed
1:30- Jordan wakes up SCREAMING. Travis tried to get him to go back to bed on his own but it was a no go so he laid with him.
4:00- Rayne wakes up so I go in to feed her.
4:30- Back to bed for me
6:20- Alarm goes off. Thankfully Travis was already up so he got up with the kids to get them ready for school
6:50- Travis comes to wake me up and ask if I know where Krysta's other sandal is. I don't.
7:00- Rayne starts waking up. I get up to go take care of her but she stops making noise so I lay back down and go to sleep.
7:40- Jordan comes up and starts knocking on the bedroom door. I take him back downstairs to Travis who is trying to get some sleep on the couch while the boys watch TV.
8:10- Rayne is up to eat again so I go in with her.
8:30- Up for the day.

That was a long night. And I'm still sick with this stupid cold. And then I got a bloody nose. And I skipped my run this morning because I was feeling pretty lousy. I guess I will just have to go out tomorrow morning instead. I really dislike Mondays.

Friday, October 22, 2010

Banana bread anyone?

A week ago, Travis went to the farmer's market and bought a whole bunch of bananas. Now they are all brown. The plan was to make banana bread so I have 2 loaves baking, dough for 2 more loaves waiting to go in plus at least 6 more overripe bananas. I'm thinking I might make some banana muffins as well. The crazy thing is that I don't even like bananas or banana bread. I think I'm going to have to freeze a bunch or give it away.
In other news, I went for the 2nd workout of the c25k plan. It was harder today because my shins are still hurting from the run on Wednesday and I seem to have come down with a cold as well. Another thing I discovered is that running makes my hip joints hurt the next day so I'm fully expecting to not really even be able to walk tomorrow. I will do the 3rd run on Monday and then I'll move on to week 2 where it gets harder. I'm also trying to encourage Travis to start as well. We'll see if he actually does.

Wednesday, October 20, 2010

Couch to 5K plan

I seriously need to lose some weight. I'm not "obese" but I am overweight and I don't like it. I heard about the c25k plan when I was pregnant. Obviously, that wasn't the time to start. Now that I'm not pregnant, I didn't have an excuse not to do it. So this morning at 7:10 am, I set out on my first workout. There are eight 60 second runs.

1st run- I feel great! I can totally do this!
2nd run- Still feeling great!
3rd run- Starting to get a little winded...
4th run- Has it really on been 4?
5th run- Wow, I'm REALLY tired... how am I going to finish?
6th run- So... much... running...
7th run- I really don't think it's supposed to be this hard! Just 1 more to go though.
8th run- My legs are jello. How are my legs still moving?

I'm sure it doesn't help, either, that I was up at 5:00 am, but I finished. I'm so proud of myself! But I am already dreading Friday morning when I plan to go torture myself again. :oP But I hear it gets easier. I really hope that's true.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Mondays are evil

What is it about Mondays that are just so bad? I can't figure it out. Jordan was practicing his screaming banshee skills all morning, Asher was mad that I wanted the tv for a little bit and even though I wasn't up with the older kids this morning, Brett was grumpy about going to school. I'm tired. I just want to crawl under the covers and go to bed for a couple of hours. I really think that would make everything better. Also, Travis won't be home until about 7:00 or so tonight so that's an extra hour on my own.
On the plus side, my antidepressants are kicking back in which has been a good thing. A drop in my energy level again but I'll take it over how I felt last week.