Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My first blogspot blog

Well, I decided to start a blog here. I have a myspace one but only my "friends" can read that one. So here this is, out in the open for the whole world to read!

I hate being sick... hate, hate HATE it. And the worst kind of being sick is sick with a stomach bug, which has happened to me about a billion times this year. If God has a sense of humor, it certainly is a sick one. I couldn't even make Krysta and Asher lunch today because I could hardly move. Travis may be coming home early from work if I'm still feeling like poo.

BTW, it was our 8th anniversary yesterday. Yep, we're getting old. I didn't even get carded when I ordered my raspberry margarita. I hear all the time that I look about 16 so I'm pretty shocked. We went to TX Roadhouse which may just be the best restaurant in the world. And the past 2 times they screwed up Travis's steak so we got a substantial amount taken off our check each time. We need to go back often.

I guess that's it for now. Just wanted to post about SOMETHING for my first blog! I'll be back later!

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