Tuesday, June 10, 2008


I just can't take it any more! I so frustrated with this! Is there something to bash my head into?
Today, for the first day in, oh, about 2 weeks, no one was complaining of feeling sick. I was so happy. And I'm not even exaggerating about the 2 week thing either... it really has been this long (actually longer). Krysta was feeling sick most recently, up until last night even. It was music to my ears when she said she was all better. Brett was feeling great too. I've been fine since last Friday and Travis never really did get all that sick in the first place. Asher had a normal diaper this morning and was eating normally, too. So what could be the problem you ask? Well, Asher now has diarrhea which as with I've seen with this @Q*#$!@#%&!@(#% stomach bug is how it starts out. I'm just about ready to cry. Why can't we get rid of this stupid thing? I told both kids to stay away from him as I don't want them sick again but there's nothing I can do about it. I have to feed him, change his diapers, bathe him and since he's a mommy addict, I spend a good part of the day holding him too. What's going to stop me from getting it for a 3rd time? And once I get it, how am I going to stop everyone else from getting it? Do you see the never ending cycle here? I'm hoping and praying that he just had diarrhea for some unknown reason and he's really not sick (again... this would be his 3rd time getting it as well) but I'm really not holding out much hope.
If I could just find the person who gave this to us I'd go and give them a good beating and I'm not a violent person either. I FREAKING HATE THIS!!!

< /vent>

Friday, June 6, 2008

What a week!

It seems like it's been about 2 weeks since this last Monday and it's only been 4 days!
Monday, nothing in particular bad. Just was a LONG day for some reason. Although we had friends over that night which was great! Monday night Brett threw up and I was concerned that he wouldn't be going to school the next day.
Tuesday was our anniversary. Brett was well enough for school which was great. Unfortunately this was the day I started to get sick. But we went out for our anniversary and had a great time.
Wednesday, I was VERY sick. Travis came home at about 3:45 because I was just too sick to really take care of the kids. I threw up that night.
Thursday, I'm still sick, though not as bad. I got better througout the day. I took a nap and then drank iced tea which led to me not being able to sleep. At 11:00 I came downstairs and cleaned for 2 hours as my house was a disaster from me being so sick. I laid down at 1:00, tried for a whole hour to sleep and couldn't. I was so happy though, that it seemed our family was finally going to be healthy. That is until about 2:15 when Asher started screaming and had threw up all over his crib. I finally got sleep for the first time last night (this morning) at 3 am.
Today! Travis let me sleep until a little after 8:00 which was great. Asher seems to be doing fine this morning, a little feverish but no more vomiting and diarrhea. So I HOPE that we're all finally on the mend. I'm so sick of having to wash everyone's bedding at least 3-4 times/week.

The good news is that poker night is TONIGHT and I'm so looking forward to having a great time and just relaxing! And it sounds like we're going to have a big turnout too which is so great! I can't even begin to explain how thrilled I am that this week is over! Hooray!

Wednesday, June 4, 2008

My first blogspot blog

Well, I decided to start a blog here. I have a myspace one but only my "friends" can read that one. So here this is, out in the open for the whole world to read!

I hate being sick... hate, hate HATE it. And the worst kind of being sick is sick with a stomach bug, which has happened to me about a billion times this year. If God has a sense of humor, it certainly is a sick one. I couldn't even make Krysta and Asher lunch today because I could hardly move. Travis may be coming home early from work if I'm still feeling like poo.

BTW, it was our 8th anniversary yesterday. Yep, we're getting old. I didn't even get carded when I ordered my raspberry margarita. I hear all the time that I look about 16 so I'm pretty shocked. We went to TX Roadhouse which may just be the best restaurant in the world. And the past 2 times they screwed up Travis's steak so we got a substantial amount taken off our check each time. We need to go back often.

I guess that's it for now. Just wanted to post about SOMETHING for my first blog! I'll be back later!