Tuesday, November 27, 2012

What's to come

So since my husband's business partner is totally screwing us over right now because he's an evil, selfish fucktard, and we have nothing to fall back on, we're trying to figure some things out. My husband has applied for some other jobs but we haven't heard anything back from them. I'm hoping to go to college (sooner than expected) next semester and also hoping that our "low income" puts us in the category to qualify for financial aid. I'm hoping we can get loans to cover the rest of the expense. It will take a while for this to pay off. I have 2 years of school before I can get a job doing what I will be going to school. I guess we'll also see what kind of other assistance we can get. I assume that if we're not making anything, we'll qualify for a lot. The main thing is to keep a roof over my kids, keep them warm and fed. I'm just trying to think positively but that's very hard when it seems the future looks very, very bleak. I wish I had the same faith in god or a higher being that my husband has but I certainly don't. I don't even know how one can believe in such a thing after being continually screwed, especially by people who call themselves christians. What a fucking joke.
So hopefully my husband can find something to keep us afloat for the next couple of years while I work very hard at getting my degree. I will be making decent money then and hopefully then we'll be able to crawl out of this pit we've sunk into. Everything pretty much just sucks right now. I am crying a lot but trying to put on my happy face around other people. The truth is that I'm really not okay. I wish I could go back to 2 years ago and tell my husband not to have any contact with Karlina Diffenasshat (my new nickname for the fucktard screwing over our entire family) because he's an evil person who will try to take everything from him. But I can't, so I just cry and worry.

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