Monday, June 18, 2012

Another "You look too young to..." story

I meant to share this story before but I'm just getting around to it today. I know I look younger than I am. I've gotten countless comments from strangers about it. I also know that I was pretty young when we had Brett. But the story revolves around the play that Brett was in. I took him to tryouts in March and had been driving him to and from rehearsals for 2.5 months. On the last day of the play, my mom came to watch it. After it was over, Krysta and I were sitting with my mom and talking to Brett. One of the directors came over and started talking to my mom. The conversation went like this:

Director: "Your husband isn't here?"
My mom (probably confused): "No, he decided to stay home."
Director: "Oh, he was at the one earlier today, though."
My mom (now I'm confused): "No, he wasn't."
Me, finally figuring out what's going on: "No, that was my husband. I'm Brett's mom."
Director: "Oh, you don't look old enough to be his mom."
Me: "Thanks!"

I used to take offense to it but now I just take it as a compliment. I figure when I'm older and still look young, it'll be awesome! Probably my favorite comment was when Brett was in first grade and in boy scouts. One of the boys in his troop, when he found out I was Brett's mom, said, "You don't look like a mom." I laughed and told him thanks. I guess everyone just thinks I'm his older sister or something. But at least adults should know that some people have babies when they're teenagers and some of those teenagers, gasp, act like adults and are responsible and take care of those babies.
So yeah, I'm sure it'll continue happening for a good long time. When I'm eventually a grandma (better not be for at the very least 10 more years!), I'm sure I'll get "You don't look old enough to have grandkids" and whatnot. And that's just fine by me. I'll be the cool, young grandma. :)

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