Thursday, April 12, 2012

Long time, no see, again

Well, what has happened since my last post? I got pregnant again for the final time in June 2011. In July, we found out that it was twins which was a huge shock to me. They came at 35 weeks on February 12, 2012 due to me developing pre-eclampsia. Serena was born first at 4:16 pm weighing 5 lbs, 7 oz and Seth came at 4:19 pm, weighing 6 lbs, 10 oz. Seth spent 15 days in the NICU due to breathing problems. Serena had no problems being born early and came home with me at 4 days old. It was my first c-section and definitely a strange experience.
On Tuesday, my oldest daughter was carrying her around and slipped on a school paper and fell. Serena landed on her head. It swelled up pretty bad and she screamed for about 5 minutes and then fell asleep, even though she had just woken up. My husband took her to the ER. When my MIL got home from work, she watched the other kids so I could be with them at the hospital. She was then transferred to Hershey overnight for observation. She is fine but she does have a small skull fracture. I think it's pretty amazing that with 7 kids, my oldest being almost 11, this is the first broken bone we've had.
Our church sent over balloons this morning for Serena. Travis and I were upstairs with the babies and the other 3 kids that were home were downstairs. I knew when I heard the doorbell that the door would be open before I got down there. My kids are always so excited when someone comes to the door. However, I was shocked and embarrassed when I saw that Asher was in shorts and no shirt, Jordan was only in a diaper and Rayne was completely naked. All of them standing there to great the delivery guy. I apologized and he seemed to think it was funny so I can only hope that he has kids and understands.
So it's been a long couple of days here. I'm exhausted and way behind on housework. 4 of my kids are napping so I really should be doing something more productive than wasting time on the computer. I think I'm going to come up with a new plan for chores for my kids. Our current system isn't working.

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