Monday, May 14, 2012

Mother's Day

What did I want for Mother's Day? Expensive jewelry? A spa certificate? Flowers? Candy? None of the above. I wanted 2 things for Mother's Day and neither of them cost anything. I wanted to sleep in. Did I get that? No. We had to do the baby dedication on Sunday morning because I guess we were the only people who signed up for Saturday night. That's a whole other rant by itself but I'll spare you. So, we had to leave by 7:45 which sucked big time. I was hoping my husband could get the kids mostly ready by himself and just get me up at 7:30 so I could get myself ready to go. But apparently, he doesn't know how to get people dressed. Wonderful for me. So I was thinking that if I got up at 7:15 and we really hurried, we could get ready in time. So then I was just hoping to sleep until 7:15, hoping that my husband would get up with everyone else. And, of course, that means he didn't. I was up from the time that the first kid woke up, which was 6:36. So much for that. And we still got out the door late.
The other thing I wanted was help with cleaning. Now, it's true that we were out of the house for a huge chunk of the day. So I asked him today if I could get help with cleaning. His answer was a crappy attitude and an "I don't know" answer, which really means "I'm not going to say no but I'm not going to help you."
So much for Mother's Day. And I'm done with pampering my husband on Father's Day. What's the point anyway? I'm tired of giving and giving and never getting a thing back. It's exhausting. I'm actually considering going on strike.